Monday, May 11, 2020

How to Overcome Battery Charger Problems

Hi everyone,
Does your smartphone charging process take longer than usual?
Or just stop in specific numbers?
Even though you have replaced the cable with a new one
But After several days the problem had coming back.
By changing the USB, the problem has never been solved.

Apparently, your problem is very simple: DIRTY USB CONNECTORS.

Your smartphone had stopped when you charge because when charging, the connector gets hot and causes crust. Other causes are the temperature and weather conditions that also cause this problem. A dusty room can crust the charger. The dust enters and stick between the charger's plat.

But don't worry, in this article, We would like to share how to overcome the problem according to some experience.

Here are the steps ...

You have to ensure that the source of the problem is NOT the cellphone or the charger head. The most easier is the way to shake the cable. Please remember, only shake the cable, not the connector.

  • If the connection notification does not appear regardless, it means the cable is not the source of the problem.
  • Prepare a piece of sandpaper and pins or any needle as long as we need, but be sure that it's not a nail !!!

Well, how do you do it? Follow this tutorial thoroughly so as not to misunderstand

  1. Cut the sandpaper as wide as the USB hole.
  2. Insert the sandpaper into the USB hole and sweep it slowly
  3. Scratch with the needle slowly
  4. Continue by scratch it around the edge of the USB outside
  5. If you have a little dust, pry it out of the lock slowly
  6. Scratch also inside
  7. Also, do it in the charger's head hole
  8. Pucker out a little part of the pin

Well, it sounds finally the problem is resolved.

Tips for durable USB care and treatment:
Clean the USB connector regularly
Avoid dusty places
Do not carelessly curl up, bend the charger cable
Just because you are in a hurry

For more details check this video. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to change Language on Huawei P20

Hello Everyone. Herein I am going to share how to change the language on Huawei P20 Pro, especially from Chinese into English. 
Sometimes, when we purchased a P20 Pro, and every single thing is in Chinese, including the options for languages.
It's an unexpected thing and could make us stressful. However, it's many ways to change it. This article collects information from the entire internet, check it out.

First way

Go into settings click on 系统 (System), the Chinese for "language" is 语言, the option to change languages is under System, it should look something like 语言和输入法 (Language and Input). Click on it you'll see 语言 set to 中文 (Chinese), choose 添加语言 from there you can change it to English.

1.系统 (System)
2.语言和输入法 (Language and Input)
3.语言 (Language)
4.添加语言 (Add Language)

Second Way

It turns to be a little bit complicated. Usually, the ADB (Android Device Bridge) is required to run on your PC/laptop and start to connect to your phone. It's also possible to really bork your device if you install the wrong ROM. At this stage, a ROM made is required for your device, and also you need to ensure your bootloader is unlocked. If it's unlocked, you could make a request for it. They may also be able to provide the correct ROM.
It's also possible they have a software tool that will make the process easier.

Alternative Way

If you aren't a Chinese, choose language variant every buying a smartphone.

Ok, that is how to change language on Huawei P20 Pro


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How to Fix Oppo Getting Lagging

Hai guys, in this article, i would like to share how to fix OPPO smartphone if it get lagging. Occasionally, i we use our smartphone to play a heavy apps such as a game or video editing app, our smartphone could be suffered from lagging. 

So, this To fix the above issues, check the following methods: 
  • Remove some unused applications
  • You can remove or reinstall some application when your smartphone causes lag or run un-smoothly, and see if you have fixed the issue. 
  • Close background running applications
  • To avoid multiple apps running in the background, click [Menu] and close all the Apps with one-click, or manually close them one by one. I prefer to close all apps due to simplicity.

  • Scan your smartphone and Clear the caches 
  • You need to scan your smartphone and clear caches regularly to secure your phone and free up more storage space. Delete the photos, music, messages, videos or other files that are no more needed. Go to [Security Center] or [Phone Manager] > [Cleanup & accelerate] for optimization. Otherwise, You can choose to click [Full clean up] to clear memory files and cache junk to further free up storage space in your phone. Note: It might differ in different system environments, operate as per your phone displays. 

    Under [Security Center] or [Phone Manager], click [Virus scan] to check if the phone is not hacked by viruses, malicious plugins or programs.
  • Download and use official applications 
  • One of the most important, You are recommended to download APPs from Google Play store or OPPO Store rather than other sources. 
  • Reduce the use of widgets 
  • Reduce the use of dynamic wallpapers or small plug-ins with real-time refresh capabilities. DO NOT install APPs that are not genuine or might contain malicious plug-ins. 
  • Detect and update ColorOS 
  • Go to [Settings] > [System updates] to detect and update your phone to the latest software version when prompted. This will benefit your phone from: Enhancing system stability, Optimizing the system performance for a smoother using experience,  Fixing the known bugs Prolonging your battery lifespan, and Developing compatibility with more third-party Apps.  
  • Restart your phone periodically
  • Periodically restarting your OPPO phone could clean up broken or damaged caches and prevent APP bugs to make for a smoother using experience. You are recommended to restart your phone once a week to ensure its performance.  
  • Other methods
  • If your phone becomes lagging when playing videos: When playing online videos: Check if the network is in good condition and adjust the video's clarity. When playing local videos: Switch to OPPO's video player. Go to [Files] > [Videos], select one and play it with Video.
That is how to fix your smartphone when it felt lagging, nevertheless it also work on other types of smartphone. Please, fill free to write any comments if you have questions or suggestions on comment area.


Friday, July 6, 2018

How to Flash OPPO A5 without Connect Timeout

"The advantage of bad memory is you are going to learn much more than other peoples does"

In this article, we will share you how to Flash OPPO A5 without connect timeout after forgetting pattern password on the smartphone. This tutorial is based on someone experience. So, let's start:

Step #1 : Download File Firmware, Driver & Flashing Tools

First, you have to download firmware, driver and flashing tools to flash the smartphone. 
You can download here OPPO Firmware 

Extract the file into a folder on your PC

Then, you have to download the flashing tools here Flashing tools 

Extract the flashing tools into the created folder (as same as OPPO Firmware folder)

Next, you have to download drivers for OPPO smartphone to install on your PC. Here is the file
Or you can download at your favorite website. And don't forget to install the drivers.

Don't forget to restart tour PC after installing the drivers.

Step #2 : Prepare Your Smartphone and Starting Flashing

Start flashing firmware ke HP OPPO A5 CPH1701 by following below steps.

  1. Shutdown your phone and wait until 20 seconds for secure off.
  2. Plugging USB cable to your PC but wait don't plug your USB cable to your smartphone. Press Volume up + volume down button simultaneously, hold it and plug USB Cable to the smartphone and release the button.
  3. Open MsmDownloadTool_Cracked4.exe, the tools will show "Connect Timeout!". Klik OK and close application MsmDownloadTool_Cracked4.exe.
  4. Open MsmDownloadTool.exe, now there is no "Connect Timeout" message, and it will show our smartphone port number and it shown Connected status in the description.
  5. Klik Start, and untill flashing porcess is done, about 7 minutes.
  6. After finished, close MsmDownloadTool.exe, unplug USB cable and restart the smartphone.
  7. Finished

That is the tutorial how to flash OPPO A5 without connect timeout

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

MYOB Accounting Software Review

MYOB Accounting Software is accounting software that helps in the process of selling and buying, track accounts receivable trade payables (payable), taxes, and many more activities or transactions that can be performed in the MYOB software application This, just by clicking a few buttons only. MYOB accounting also facilitates the design process as desired, making it easier to use for finding information about your business.

MYOB Accounting Software

Facilities and the workings of the MYOB Accounting Plus v. 

The completeness of MYOB Accounting plus the facilities are shown in the accounting module which can be dealt with. The module works in an integrated and a very high level of coordination so that work done by one part will affect the other (Linked Accounts). MYOB program can be used effectively and efficiently with a way of understanding the process of the work program in connection with process accounting (accounting process). The process begins with the MYOB accounting with noted initial data company and ending arranged financial statements.

The functions of each module relates to the accounting process using MYOB Accounting Plus v. 12 are as follows:
  • Accounts, this facility serves to record the initial data of the company in the form of record keeping.
  • Accounts, process transactions and transaction journalling process.
  • Banking, serves to record, print proof of transactions and the company's financial statements in transactions using module Chequebook.
  • Sales, serves to record, display and print proof of transactions and reports include an analysis of sales of goods and services.
  • Time Billin, Used to record the sales transaction services are included in the list of activity (activity list) are recorded via the menu Time Billing (for MYOB V 13).
  • Purchases, serves to record, display, and print a proof of the transaction as well as the report included analysis of the purchase of goods and services.
  • Payroll, used to record the transactions of payroll employees or employees, the calculation includes base salary, bonuses and employee income tax calculation (for MYOB V 13).
  • Inventory, serves to record the data of dollars traded goods, determine and change the selling price as well as the administration of inventory items.
  • Card File, Card Files function to archive customer data, supplier, employee data related to transactions of purchase and sales of merchandise or services.

Here is a chart of the phases of the accounting Data processing Activities using MYOB Accounting Software:
MYOB Chart Display

Activity 1 – 7: activity Setup initial Data company.
Activity 8-9: activities of transaction Data Entry company.
Activity 10: presentation of financial reports and Activity reports of other management.


Some of the advantages offered when a business is managed to utilize MYOB among others are:
  1. Easy of use; MYOB offers convenience in usage, meaning that users can use MYOB although concerned have no bookkeeping background at all. The key is to setup and implementation. The hardest thing and the most important in the application of MYOB is at the time of the setup process, where the existing business processes in companies in the automation tools using MYOB, resulting in the execution of its utility, the user just have to follow the business processes that have been compiled previously.
  2. Accounting Power; MYOB software has quite a long time developed and continuously issuing fixes release. So the management information using MYOB software is pretty reliable. All setup is done has done well and properly, MYOB may issue reports that can be relied upon.
  3. Featured Job and Category that can be used for project management as well as in accordance with the department, so that it can be acquired management reports per project or per department which is useful for management to know the performance and as a basic step repairs to be done.
  4. The process of installation and maintenance. MYOB installation can be done easily and usually charge yearly maintenance, meaning that although MYOB has issued the latest release, users of previous releases can still be using it, and if needed can do the upgrade purchase prices are relatively lower than the new purchase.
  5. Labor who know and understand or at least know the MYOB pretty much found on the market. Has many good educational institutes developing institution courses or university level educational institutions that teach MYOB software as part of the Accounting lesson.
  6. Can be used to monitor the accounting period of 3 years, meaning in the next three years management can still see deals for 3 years back without needing to do the process closes the book.
  7. The value of the investment is relatively inexpensive. The price of the most expensive product was less than USD 1,000,-(excluding training and implementation). The key is the execution of the setup and implementation. Please choose a company that has a power that has had experience in conducting the implementation of MYOB. More companies that have implemented; certainly the more benefits we can get from the experience of the consultant.
  8. A period of relatively rapid implementation. All data for the implementation of the detailed data such as balance sheet profit and loss statement you can prepare quickly; then MYOB implementation will be solved quickly also


Beside the advantages, MYOB also have some weaknesses.
  1. The Database of MYOB is a database that is locked, meaning that users cannot modify reports, modify a field in MYOB, allowing customization where necessary relatively difficult met by MYOB.
  2. MYOB is foreign-made software so there is no tax feature in it. The making of the report about taxation as VAT reporting and other forms not available in MYOB and should be managed outside of the MYOB software.
  3. There is no fixed assets module, so if the company requires the module to manage the assets that are owned not be met by MYOB. Examples of businesses that require among other things is a genset rentals require the existence of location management, maintenance, and other types of goods.
  4. The weakness of the Multi Warehouse which resulted in the management of goods consignment relatively difficult managed in MYOB.
  5. MYOB cannot be used to manage a company with multi company consolidation reports, meaning that it cannot be expected to be created by using MYOB.

MYOB Accounting Software

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

11 Most Widely Used Accounting Software

Basically, humans are lazy . But from his laziness that man can create things that can facilitate his work. The proof is a variety of inventions such as the vehicle that allows humans to move and the computer that initially helped the process of counting.

Accounting Software

His growing age, the computer continues to change. From initially just a calculator to have the sophisticated monitors, out of which only big-box to become as thin as the glass. This development affects not only his physical form but also the content and benefits of that computer.

Along with the evolution of a very rapid, computer application or software that there is therein any join developed. From it emerged a variety of software that also helps the human work as often we use currently, for example, Microsoft office.

This software easier our work more specifically. Microsoft office for example which facilitates work in typing report (word) sports data (Excel), presentations (power point), etc. For an accountant to master Microsoft office is the standard provision in making financial statements or other reports.

But sometimes mastering Microsoft office course is still not enough, the accountant should be able to use various special accounting computer applications. Not other than to further his work.

There is many existing accounting software. This application can be used not only by people who understand accounting but also for lay people new to accounting. This will be explained in the several computer application articles for accounting in circulation, but before that let us refer to the common specifications of the accounting software.

Accounting Software Specifications

Computer application or better known as the software (software) has a variety of forms. There are used such as photoshop for photo editing and more. Own accounting software is software used for recording and activity other than accounting.

This accounting software utilizes the concept of modularity where a series of similar activity that is converted into specific modules. Such as purchase (accounts payable), sales (accounts receivable), payroll, ledger and others.

Large companies usually have their own part to develop this accounting application. But not infrequently the company or a third party using the SMES to get accounting software. These third parties provide the software that will often be used by the company and also collaborates with third parties.

Because of the difference in the scope of use of the application, such as a company to SMES so the complexity and capabilities of this application vary SMES or corporate environment which will use.

But from its diversity, this accounting application is always providing the standard features that are always present in any application whether it be domestically or abroad, such as:

  •  Multi user
  • Multi Company
  • Multi language
  • Database
  • Multi Branch
  • Multi Currency
  • Multi Delivery Point
  • Import and Export Data to Excel
  • The module AR, AP, GL, Payroll, Stock and others.

Benefits of Accounting Software

The purpose and benefits of the software is helping accountants to make accounting reports such as balance sheet (Balance Sheet), Loss of profit (Profit Lost Statement), Cash Flow and Financial final report.

The report obtained as the initial steps such as putting together an estimated or an account or ledgers. Each ledger of code and certain commonly used names as well as having a clear outpost in a position of financial statements such as balance sheet ledger post to, loss of profit, costs of fabrication and manufacturing (factory).

Well if we use accounting software above the things of yesteryear can be done very quickly so as to save time. For example, a large company financial reports that reported manually are vulnerable to errors and also will certainly be very inconvenient.

In addition with this accounting software we can menjurnal all accounting activities such as a sale, purchase, production, goods and others automatically. So it can be integrated with a variety of other reports which support in the company's activity.

So the bottom line is the very accounting software helps us in performing an effective financial management.

Types of Accounting Software

Various accounting software the shape is divided into 3 types based on how to make. I.e. software package, customizes software and software packages that can be customized

1. Software packages

This type of accounting software is already built-in meaning software obtained cannot be otak-atik in other words what is the factory settings on the software is already patent.

This type of software has the advantage because the price is cheap and affordable. In addition, because of what exists in the sotfware unmodified software of this type is made very easy to use.

Because of its relatively cheap price that its user base is very much. Another reason is this software is relatively stable compared to other software. But there are also some disadvantages of this type of software.

Among them are the user must adjust his or her needs and kegiatanekonomi in accordance with the State of the software. So sometimes the user needs not according to what provided software.

2. Customize Software

From the name already seen this software can be modified from its initial state to be tailored to the needs of its users. This modification can be dilkukan after or when purchasing an application on software housenya. This type of software is usually developed by the company but not by individuals.

The advantage of this software is to customize a software can be tailored to your needs without any section is never used, so its use can be more versatile.

However this Software is more expensive than software package. Because this software developed its own risks there are any larger. In addition to the support of his unreliable post-sale plus more software stability is very low due to low user base as well.

3. Custom Software packages

This software is a software package with standard modules that can be modified as required if there are other activities outside of the standard modules provided. There are several advantages of this type of software.

His prices are relatively more affordable than the modified software from scratch. Because it comes from the software package then its stability more awake in addition to implement of the software can be used quickly because according to your needs.

But this software requires our after a long time if not defining what are the things that are required of the software. Plus after-sales support is more difficult because of the difference in modification of each user who uses.

Software-accounting software mostly not free. The price ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars. But not the least is also software that can download for free with features that are not inferior to a paid accounting program.

11 Famous Accounting Software

There are lots of software in circulation in Indonesia. From free software to software with prices tens of millions. The following 11 famous accounting software that is widely used.

1. Easy Accounting System (EAS)

Easy Accounting System (EAS) built since the year 2009 under the auspices of PT Global Information Teknotama Fortuna, is a financial accounting software and point of sale (POS) and semi-ERP software systems. that can be used to run various types of business operations from the distribution, service, Retail, construction, developers, hospitals, education, Export Import, Courier, as well as manufacturing companies who are either Assembly (assembly) or are the manufacture (maker).

Easy Accounting System (EAS) itself is built using proven Firebird engine reliable and stable on all windows operating system. The main feature of Import transactions (Journal voucher, invoice, COA, and the list of goods) as well as e-invoice ready, making EAS is a pretty innovative newcomer especially in the industrial sector. Although it can only be run on windows operating systems and are not yet supported by web based.

Supported by a fairly affordable price with trading is version 500 USD of version platinum and 1100 USD, and the manufacturing version of 2000 million USD (not including training). EAS also serve an after-sales service that is good enough for customer.

2. Accurate

Module provided Accurate is not much different with Abipro, it's just that becoming the differentiator is Accurrate provides an Audit Trail for the journals while Abipro not.

For accurate Price is relatively cheaper than abipro that is 800 USD to 2000 million for the DE and EE but with an additional fee of 1800 USD for each user you added.

Accurate also gave a 30 day money back guarantee for packages sold. It's a shame his accurate cannot be dikustom but this software suitable for use with windows and linux platforms that have the wine.

3. Acosys

Software developed since year 1997 has been used for more than 2,500 users. The software can be customized to be used across a variety of platforms such as windows, linux and macOS.

However the module provided less than 2 previous software. Acosys provides for price 40 USD for any features added to the package acosys provides package lite is priced at 1800 USD and 100 USD for each addition of a user.

4. Bee

Bee is a free multi platform that can be customized using the java development tools. Module that provided Bee pun is complete. The price is pegged to this software is tailored to the package.

There are 3 packages namely silver priced at 2.5 million to 3.5 million, gold and platinum 6 million that each have a cost of adding user of 1.5 million. The bee also provides after-sales service which is pretty good for its users.

5. Corcus

Corcus arguably younger than 4 software before. This software has existed since 2007 but the given module is complete as modules in other software.

Price from 1 any software depending on the complexity of the requests from users with a warranty are also adjusted. Unfortunately corcus only compatible with the windows platform only.

6. Abipro

Specification of abipro views of the modules provided arguably because it provides a complete modules purchasing, sales, inventory, General Ledger, cash/bank and fixed assets.

Abipro also provides more specific management checks, consolidation, multi-currency, multi, multi-project department and multi-level pricing in its software. As for the module inventory expiration date does not provide a Abipro of goods.

The price of Abipro for unlimited users ranging between 24 and s/d 39 million. For limited users or SE only 8 million. Abipro also provides after-sales service warranty is good though cannot be customized.


FINA can be referred to as the software for the best companies, because of the features of the module are provided. In addition this software is already used by more than 800 companies. FINA also give ninety days money back guarantee on the purchase of the software and also to software operation training.

The price given to software type of CC is 20 million, whereas for AW 35 million and 60 million Distribution. Each type of this type cost 3.3 million for the addition of a user on the computer. However, this software is only suitable in pairs on the windows platform only.

8. Integrated System

Standard module provided IS arguably quite complete but complementary module and the module inventory prepared just a bit. In addition this software is only compatible with the windows platform.

9. MAS

MAS only provides a standard module in the rest of him. Despite that this software can be modified to customize the needs of users. This software already developed since 1984.

Prices are given for a minimum of 4 million software package with bonus of free training operation of charge for the user. After-sales service her any arguably quite easily.

10. Omega

Omega is the software that comes from Surabaya. This software provides a complete standard module though complementary module and inventory are limited. Omega can only be used on the windows platform only.

Price of 1 packet of Omega is 1.699 million per user. For the addition of user stock price given is 1.699 million per user while adding user accounting 2.999 million per user.

11. The Zahir

Zahir Accounting is referred to as The Best Business Management Software. Began to be developed since the year 1997, and arguably the oldest accounting software is made by the original programmer Indonesia.

Zahir accounting software package types including custom. There are five types of packages offered such as a Small Business that is suitable for small and medium enterprises, Flexy Trade for distributors, Personal/Standard for nonprofit and service such as foundations, organizations, hospitals, contractors, or related projects and services.

As for the large-scale and complex manufacturing such as they had a package of the enterprise. This software provides the standard module/specific, a complete inventory, can be customized, and very easy to use on the windows platform.

Even now there are already accessible Online Zahir Online, so You no longer need to install the software. You do not need to be concerned with security because Zahir in collaboration with Amazon Web services for the database and security system.

Package prices vary from 2 million to 25 million for the desktop version, while for Online subscription price start from 500 thousand to 900 thousand per month. You can also add user and custom features to match what you need.

Consideration In The Selection Of Accounting Software

With so much variety with assorted accounting software price surely will be confusing for users, especially beginners. There are several factors that can be used as a consideration in the selection of accounting software, among others:

1. know your needs.

The new company will be different needs with the company began to grow. Similarly, the needs of established companies. The more complex your requirements, the more features you'll need in an accounting software.

2. Consideration between wants and needs.

Basically every company had the same accounting software needs. But due to different types of industries, so each company can have different business processes. Know your particular needs.

Most of the accounting software package designed for the needs of the company in General. If your company has a unique bisnisyang process, you should consider whether the accounting software that you buy need to be able to accommodate the process.

3. know your budget you provide.

Accounting software prices vary widely. From free to hundreds of million dollars. Generally you have to choose between software packages more affordable pricing or customize software built from 0. There are also software packages have the ability on our.

4. know the capabilities of Your staff.

Not all software is best suited for you. The complete software is generally more difficult to use than a simple software. Customize your software that you buy with Your staff's ability.

Well that's the last 11 all about famous accounting software and the best there is in Indonesia. Hopefully what there is in this article can provide benefits for all of us. See you in the next article so and thank you.

That is our article about 11 most widely used accounting software