Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to change Language on Huawei P20

Hello Everyone. Herein I am going to share how to change the language on Huawei P20 Pro, especially from Chinese into English. 
Sometimes, when we purchased a P20 Pro, and every single thing is in Chinese, including the options for languages.
It's an unexpected thing and could make us stressful. However, it's many ways to change it. This article collects information from the entire internet, check it out.

First way

Go into settings click on 系统 (System), the Chinese for "language" is 语言, the option to change languages is under System, it should look something like 语言和输入法 (Language and Input). Click on it you'll see 语言 set to 中文 (Chinese), choose 添加语言 from there you can change it to English.

1.系统 (System)
2.语言和输入法 (Language and Input)
3.语言 (Language)
4.添加语言 (Add Language)

Second Way

It turns to be a little bit complicated. Usually, the ADB (Android Device Bridge) is required to run on your PC/laptop and start to connect to your phone. It's also possible to really bork your device if you install the wrong ROM. At this stage, a ROM made is required for your device, and also you need to ensure your bootloader is unlocked. If it's unlocked, you could make a request for it. They may also be able to provide the correct ROM.
It's also possible they have a software tool that will make the process easier.

Alternative Way

If you aren't a Chinese, choose language variant every buying a smartphone.

Ok, that is how to change language on Huawei P20 Pro

Source: androidcentral.com

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