Monday, May 11, 2020

How to Overcome Battery Charger Problems

Hi everyone,
Does your smartphone charging process take longer than usual?
Or just stop in specific numbers?
Even though you have replaced the cable with a new one
But After several days the problem had coming back.
By changing the USB, the problem has never been solved.

Apparently, your problem is very simple: DIRTY USB CONNECTORS.

Your smartphone had stopped when you charge because when charging, the connector gets hot and causes crust. Other causes are the temperature and weather conditions that also cause this problem. A dusty room can crust the charger. The dust enters and stick between the charger's plat.

But don't worry, in this article, We would like to share how to overcome the problem according to some experience.

Here are the steps ...

You have to ensure that the source of the problem is NOT the cellphone or the charger head. The most easier is the way to shake the cable. Please remember, only shake the cable, not the connector.

  • If the connection notification does not appear regardless, it means the cable is not the source of the problem.
  • Prepare a piece of sandpaper and pins or any needle as long as we need, but be sure that it's not a nail !!!

Well, how do you do it? Follow this tutorial thoroughly so as not to misunderstand

  1. Cut the sandpaper as wide as the USB hole.
  2. Insert the sandpaper into the USB hole and sweep it slowly
  3. Scratch with the needle slowly
  4. Continue by scratch it around the edge of the USB outside
  5. If you have a little dust, pry it out of the lock slowly
  6. Scratch also inside
  7. Also, do it in the charger's head hole
  8. Pucker out a little part of the pin

Well, it sounds finally the problem is resolved.

Tips for durable USB care and treatment:
Clean the USB connector regularly
Avoid dusty places
Do not carelessly curl up, bend the charger cable
Just because you are in a hurry

For more details check this video. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to change Language on Huawei P20

Hello Everyone. Herein I am going to share how to change the language on Huawei P20 Pro, especially from Chinese into English. 
Sometimes, when we purchased a P20 Pro, and every single thing is in Chinese, including the options for languages.
It's an unexpected thing and could make us stressful. However, it's many ways to change it. This article collects information from the entire internet, check it out.

First way

Go into settings click on 系统 (System), the Chinese for "language" is 语言, the option to change languages is under System, it should look something like 语言和输入法 (Language and Input). Click on it you'll see 语言 set to 中文 (Chinese), choose 添加语言 from there you can change it to English.

1.系统 (System)
2.语言和输入法 (Language and Input)
3.语言 (Language)
4.添加语言 (Add Language)

Second Way

It turns to be a little bit complicated. Usually, the ADB (Android Device Bridge) is required to run on your PC/laptop and start to connect to your phone. It's also possible to really bork your device if you install the wrong ROM. At this stage, a ROM made is required for your device, and also you need to ensure your bootloader is unlocked. If it's unlocked, you could make a request for it. They may also be able to provide the correct ROM.
It's also possible they have a software tool that will make the process easier.

Alternative Way

If you aren't a Chinese, choose language variant every buying a smartphone.

Ok, that is how to change language on Huawei P20 Pro
